SMACNA-BC and ASHRAE BC members, arhcitects, enigineers/consultants, building officials, inspectors, specification writers, building owners, and fire marshals are invited to attend the SMACNA-BC Technical Standards Program this fall to advance their knowledge of the HVAC industry though the use of SMACNA Standards.
This intensive one-day program will provide technical information to learn the methods and concepts of SMACNA’s Technical Standards, which will enhance participants’ abilities to provide well-designed, well-constructed, and cost-effective projects for client. Topics covered will include information from SMACNA’s technical manuals:
- HVAC Duct Construction Standards
- HVAC Air Duct Leakage
- HVAC Systems Duct Design
- Fire, Smoke, and Radiation Damper Installation Guide of HVAC
Presenters include Eli P. Howard, Executive Director, Technical Resources, SMACNA Inc.; Will Farrell, Engineering and Technical Resources, SMACNA Inc.
Location: Civic Hotel | 13475 Central Avenue, Surrey, BC
Date: Monday, September 19, 2022
Cost: $65
8:30 am: Registration
9:00 am: Program commences
11:45 am: Buffet Lunch Break
12:30 pm: Program reconvenes
3:00 pm: Program concludes
Michelle Rodford■