LIMITED TIME Left to View EDGE Sessions On-Demand

Thousands of SMACNA Edge Conference attendees have already viewed the highly informational and educational content both live and on-demand over the past eight weeks. Can you count yourself or your co-workers as being among them?

There is still time for everyone at your company to learn from the industry experts who delivered presentations on a variety of timely topics and important subjects related to contractors’ day-to-day business operations and success.

It’s not too late to register yourself or your entire company for full access to the entire library of recorded sessions. Simply visit to complete your registration, and gain full and unlimited access to every educational session.

Don’t miss out on what your fellow colleagues have been able to experience…

“Scheduling is extremely difficult for me right now, so it is great to pick up the information from the sessions in the evening and bring some good information back without falling behind on current responsibilities.”

– Corey Chestnut, Climate Engineers

“Very professional and well organized.”

– Randy Attaway, AGC, inc.

“The on-demand option is great.”

– Scott Smith, Ventcon

If you’re already registered, please visit the SMACNA Edge Conference website to log in and begin watching your preferred sessions in the On-Demand Theater. All registered attendees have unlimited access through January 11, 2021. ▪